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namestringThe organizational unit's path name. For example, an organizational unit's name within the /corp/support/sales_support parent path is sales_support. Required.
descriptionstringDescription of the organizational unit.
blockInheritancebooleanDetermines if a sub-organizational unit can inherit the settings of the parent organization. The default value is false, meaning a sub-organizational unit inherits the settings of the nearest parent organizational unit. We recommend using the default value because setting block_inheritance to true can have unintended consequences. For more information about inheritance and users in an organization structure, see the administration help center.
etagstringETag of the resource.
kindstringThe type of the API resource. For Orgunits resources, the value is admin#directory#orgUnit.
orgUnitIdstringThe unique ID of the organizational unit.
orgUnitPathstringThe full path to the organizational unit. The orgUnitPath is a derived property. When listed, it is derived from parentOrgunitPath and organizational unit's name. For example, for an organizational unit named 'apps' under parent organization '/engineering', the orgUnitPath is '/engineering/apps'. In order to edit an orgUnitPath, either update the name of the organization or the parentOrgunitPath. A user's organizational unit determines which Google Workspace services the user has access to. If the user is moved to a new organization, the user's access changes. For more information about organization structures, see the administration help center. For more information about moving a user to a different organization, see Update a user.
parentOrgUnitIdstringThe unique ID of the parent organizational unit. Required, unless parentOrgUnitPath is set.
parentOrgUnitPathstringThe organizational unit's parent path. For example, /corp/sales is the parent path for /corp/sales/sales_support organizational unit. Required, unless parentOrgUnitId is set.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcustomerId, orgunitsIdRetrieves an organizational unit.
listSELECTcustomerIdRetrieves a list of all organizational units for an account.
insertINSERTcustomerIdAdds an organizational unit.
deleteDELETEcustomerId, orgunitsIdRemoves an organizational unit.
_listEXECcustomerIdRetrieves a list of all organizational units for an account.
patchEXECcustomerId, orgunitsIdUpdates an organizational unit. This method supports patch semantics
updateEXECcustomerId, orgunitsIdUpdates an organizational unit.