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Google Workspace identity services.

Provider Summary (v23.07.00153)
total services: 1
total methods: 139
total resources: 28
total selectable resources: 25

See also:


To pull the latest version of the googleadmin provider, run the following command:

REGISTRY PULL googleadmin;

To view previous provider versions or to pull a specific provider version, see here.


The following authentication methods are supported:

  • service_account (using a Google Cloud service account)

for more information on creating service accounts and key files, see .

Setup instructions

To authorize a Google Cloud service account for use in the Admin SDK, follow the instructions provided here:

1. Create a Service Account (from the Google Cloud Console)
  • Create a Google Cloud service account (see Service accounts overview).
  • Download the JSON key file for the service account (see Service account keys).
  • From the Google Cloud Console, locate and select the service account created, go to "Details" > "Advanced settings" > "Domain-wide delegation".
  • Copy the "Client ID" of the service account to the clipboard.
  • Click the "VIEW GOOGLE WORKSPACE ADMIN CONSOLE" link. This will open the Google Workspace Admin Console in a new tab.
2. Enable the Admin SDK API for your project (from the Google Cloud Console)
  • From the Google Cloud Console, in the same project that you created the Service Account in step 1, go to "APIs & Services" > "Library".
  • Search for "Admin SDK API" and click on it.
  • Click "Enable".
3. Delegate Domain-Wide Authority to your Service Account (from the Google Workspace Admin Console)
  • From the Google Workspace Admin Console, go to "Security" > "Access and data control" > "API Controls" > "Domain-wide delegation" > "MANAGE DOMAIN-WIDE DELEGATION".
  • Click "Add new" and paste the "Client ID" of the service account copied to the clipboard in step 1.
  • In the "OAuth scopes" field, enter the following scopes: and
  • Click "Authorise".
4. Assign the Admin role to your Service Account (from the Google Workspace Admin Console)
  • From the Google Workspace Admin Console, go to "Account" > "Admin roles" > "User Management" > "Admins" > "Assign service accounts".
  • Add the email to the service account created in step 1 and click "Assign Role". For more information, see Assigning a role to a service account.

Service Account Environment Variable (default)

The following system environment variable is used by default:

  • GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS - contents of the google service account key json file

This variable is sourced at runtime (from the local machine using export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=cat creds/my-sa-key.json` for example or as a CI variable/secret).

Specifying the service account key file location directly

You can specify the path to the service account key file without using the default environment variable by using the --auth flag of the stackql program. For example:

AUTH='{ "google": { "type": "service_account",  "credentialsfilepath": "creds/sa-key.json" }}'
stackql shell --auth="${AUTH}"

or using PowerShell:

$Auth = "{ 'google': { 'type': 'service_account',  'credentialsfilepath': 'creds/sa-key.json' }}"
stackql.exe shell --auth=$Auth
