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idstringRead-only. The unique ID of a group. A group id can be used as a group request URI's groupKey.
namestringThe group's display name.
descriptionstringAn extended description to help users determine the purpose of a group. For example, you can include information about who should join the group, the types of messages to send to the group, links to FAQs about the group, or related groups. Maximum length is 4,096 characters.
adminCreatedbooleanRead-only. Value is true if this group was created by an administrator rather than a user.
aliasesarrayRead-only. The list of a group's alias email addresses. To add, update, or remove a group's aliases, use the groups.aliases methods. If edited in a group's POST or PUT request, the edit is ignored.
directMembersCountstringThe number of users that are direct members of the group. If a group is a member (child) of this group (the parent), members of the child group are not counted in the directMembersCount property of the parent group.
emailstringThe group's email address. If your account has multiple domains, select the appropriate domain for the email address. The email must be unique. This property is required when creating a group. Group email addresses are subject to the same character usage rules as usernames, see the help center for details.
etagstringETag of the resource.
kindstringThe type of the API resource. For Groups resources, the value is admin#directory#group.
nonEditableAliasesarrayRead-only. The list of the group's non-editable alias email addresses that are outside of the account's primary domain or subdomains. These are functioning email addresses used by the group. This is a read-only property returned in the API's response for a group. If edited in a group's POST or PUT request, the edit is ignored.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTgroupKeyRetrieves a group's properties.
listSELECTdomainRetrieves all groups of a domain or of a user given a userKey (paginated).
insertINSERTCreates a group.
deleteDELETEgroupKeyDeletes a group.
_listEXECdomainRetrieves all groups of a domain or of a user given a userKey (paginated).
patchEXECgroupKeyUpdates a group's properties. This method supports patch semantics.
updateEXECgroupKeyUpdates a group's properties.